7 Unexpected Benefits of Paid Dating Sites


You’ve been searching for The One on free dating apps for months, maybe even years and you’ve realized that they’re just not helping you find Ms./Mr. Right. You're wondering what your next step should be. Naturally, one question is whether you should sign up for one of the best paid dating sites always being advertised.
It’s an important question and the simple answer is "yes." You get so much from paying for online dating that you don’t get from free dating sites. I’m going to explain in detail seven things you get when you invest monetarily, mentally, and emotionally in your future by paying for online dating.
I’m Jamie Faye, International and Certified Dating and Relationship Coach. My expertise is helping individuals and couples create understanding, fun, and sustainable relationships. In this article, I’m going to share with you the obvious and not so obvious benefits for you and your potential matches when you subscribe to one or more of the best paid dating sites.
How has online dating has changed the landscape of relationships?
According to eharmony, 40% of Americans are using online dating services. You can’t deny that one out of five marriages starting online says something about the success of the best paid dating sites. According to Zoosk, online marriages are less likely to end in the first year of marriage. It sure seems like the algorithms used by these sites really do help people get past those sometimes superficial requirements and find the relationships they’re truly looking for.
And with more than 2,500 sites, I get why you’re overwhelmed and questioning if it’s worth it.
Remember, you only need one paid dating service, so I suggest going with one of the veteran services as they’ve got the track record to prove their worth. For example, eharmony claims they are behind 438 marriages daily and Match boasts more than 1 million babies over the past 20 years.
Continue reading to learn exactly how paying for online dating will increase your chances of finding The One.
Unexpected benefits to paid dating websites
Spoiler Alert: Paid dating sites offer so much more than just providing access to more singles who are also online!
Below are seven surprising advantages that occur when you sign up for a paid online dating site.
1. You’re making a commitment to yourself and your happiness.
Your willingness to invest in a paid dating service indicates your firm commitment to finding a romantic partner. Let’s look at the psychology of it. If you’re not willing to pay a nominal amount to increase your chances of meeting someone compatible, are you going to invest your time and emotions later? The best paid dating sites typically have membership fees under $30 per month -- sometimes way under. Entering your credit card information for a month or even a year of payments is a form of commitment and dedication. You'll feel more inclined to use a service that you've paid for.Instead of just willy-nilly using free sites, you are firmly putting your future happiness in terms of a relationship at the forefront.
2. You’re showing your potential matches that you’re serious.
On many of the best paid dating sites, existing members have the ability to block non-paying members from seeing their profiles. One reason for this is because they take someone’s unwillingness to pay as a sign that they’re not serious and they don’t want to waste their time with those users. Dating expert Charly Lester has said, “In my experience, the quicker the sign-up process -- and the less a site costs to join -- the less serious the majority of its members are.” There are plenty of free apps for people who just want a hookup. When you subscribe to a paid dating website, on the other hand, you make a strong statement about your intents and purpose. You are essentially declaring to other members that you’re serious about looking for a long-term commitment. Similarly, you’ll feel more assured that the other paying members on the site are likewise serious.
3. You’re increasing your chances of meeting someone you’d actually like to date.
You do this in two ways. First, it’s a simple numbers game. When you’re a paying member of a dating site, you can message whoever you want. Free members of these sites are usually limited. They may be able to browse through profiles, but they’re unable to talk or reply to messages. In other words, you can’t get very far with just a free subscription. Additionally, you’ll enjoy a greater number of high-quality potential matches. The other paying members will likely be just as serious as you. It gives you a far greater chance of meeting someone who you’ll want to date and form a relationship with than by weeding through free dating apps or the general population at large.
4. You have to think about what’s really important to you.
When creating your profile for a paid dating service you’ll answer many questions about your personality, communication style, values, lifestyle, and priorities. Instead of just entering your zodiac sign, you’ll be forced to think deeply and get in tune with what you really want and need in a relationship. You’ll also consider how you think and behave. For example, eharmony’s compatibility test covers emotional temperament, social style, cognitive mode, relationship skills, values & beliefs, and more. It will take you a good 30 minutes to fill out. This may seem like a lot, but remember -- this is to help you find someone to spend the rest of your life with.
These types of questions will ensure you know what you’re looking for on a deeper level right from the outset. By reflecting on what’s important to your life and values now, you’ll be less likely to suffer from heartache later. It would be terrible to date someone for superficial reasons and realize months in that they don’t conform to your core values.
5. You’re forced to face reality and level up.
When you're answering questions about yourself for your profile, you may find that you're not content with your answers. Rather than lying (which you should never do on your profile!), you should be honest but also consider making some changes in your life. For example, under "hobbies," you may realize that your only hobby is watching Netflix and wish you could write something more interesting and exciting. Take salsa dancing classes, volunteer with puppies, or start attending your local pub's weekly trivia game. Soon, you'll be able to truthfully add to your profile.
Furthermore, you'll reflect on your expectations for a potential partner and how they don't match your own expectations for yourself. You may list your preferred physical activity level in a partner may be "very active," but then realize that you don't put the same effort into your own activity level or gym routine. If you’re looking for someone who’s living as their best version of themselves then you’re more likely to step up and start acting like the best version of yourself.
6. You get access to crucial features.
There are simply more features available for paying dating website members than for those who don’t invest in a subscription. As we mentioned, paying members can block their profiles from the non-paying public and can also send and read messages. Other benefits include being able to browse matches anonymously, see who has favorited you, and get read receipts on your messages. Some premium plans allow you to have your profile and messages highlighted so that you stand out among potential matches. Others may give you a matchmaker to give you an even more personalized experience.
7. You’re more likely to get a reply.
Think about it: if a site is free, there’s not much incentive for an inactive user to delete their profile. On a paid dating website, on the other hand, nobody is going to want to keep paying for a service they don’t even use anymore. If you’re using a dating site that charges a membership fee, you’ll be much more likely to find active users and not waste your time scrolling through profiles of people who haven’t been online in six months.
As the success of these sites illustrates, you should invest not just with your heart, but with your wallet too. Now that you’re ready to invest in yourself and sign-up for one of the best paid dating sites, check our reviews of some of our favorite sites like Zoosk, EliteSingles, or eharmony to find the best fit for you.
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