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What Your Date’s Coffee Choice Says About Them

Published: July 12, 2019
Nina Livelo

Nina Livelo

A coffee date is a classic first date idea. It’s casual and encourages easy discussion, allowing daters to focus on their primary goal: getting to know each other. None of the loud noises you’ll find at bars or the pressure of a romantic candlelit dinner. Just the two of you and a discussion that really only has to last as long as your coffee does. It’s no wonder the Clover dating app found Starbucks to be the most popular first date location.

Meeting at a coffee shop is particularly ideal for online daters because it’s a safe, public space. Plus, since there’s nothing implicitly suggestive about a coffee date, it’s a good way to weed out the people who are only looking for hookups.


coffee date

On top of all these factors that make it such a great first date idea, there is an added bonus. Your date’s coffee choice can reveal loads about their personality type! Before you plan your next coffee date, brush up on the characteristics associated with the most common coffee drinks. Love may just be written in latte art.

You Are What You Drink

People tend to be so preoccupied with making a good first impression that they alter their behavior. Maybe they tone down certain characteristics or amp up ones that aren’t natural to them. As a result, it can be hard to get an accurate read of them.

Thankfully, there are some things they can’t hide. Things that it just wouldn’t occur to them to change. Things like the drink they order on a coffee date.

Interestingly, a study by Dr. Ramani Durvasula found that people’s character traits tend to be consistent with their coffee preferences. The reason, she supposes, is that people tend to have less conscious control over choices that seem this trivial.

Of course, this isn’t a rule. Just because coffee and personality are often correlated doesn’t mean they always are. It’s possible that you like the coffee you like just for the taste and nothing more.

coffee date

At the very least, these correlations are amusing, but they can also reveal certain compatibility signs. See for yourself what some of the most common types of coffee drinks have to say about your date!


Beware, if the person you’re with orders an espresso on a first date, you’ve got limited time to woo them. If you don’t make an immediate good impression, they may disappear after the sip it takes to finish their drink. These people can be intimidating at first, but they can also make for inspiring partners. They spend little time on their coffee so they can spend more time being adventurous and taking on the world. If you have the energy it takes to keep up with them, you’ll be rewarded with their infectious good attitude.

Black Coffee

People who drink their coffee black are no-nonsense individuals. Since they tend to stick to what’s reliable, you’ll probably find them on traditional dating sites like Match or eHarmony. They’re straightforward with the people they interact with, which means that sometimes they come on too strong. Their serious nature brings them success, but since they spend so much time focused, they could probably use a laugh. Try your best to soften them up. They may have a tough exterior, but they can make good, reliable partners once you dig out their romantic side.


If your date orders a latte or coffee with milk and sugar, rest assured the coffee date will go well. They have a kind disposition and a desire to comfort the people they’re with. Whether or not they are the right person for you, at the very least, the date won’t be awkward. In a relationship, these people tend to be supportive partners. Unfortunately, they can also be quite indecisive. These people are a bad match for espresso drinkers, who have no patience for wishy-washy people.


Anyone who orders a frozen, blended coffee drink is like the human equivalent of glitter. These people are fun and happy and highly energetic, but due to excessive sugar, not necessarily coffee. In fact, they probably don’t even like coffee. Because all that sugar comes with a crash, they need level-headed partners that are able to keep them in check. Latte drinkers, who possess good mood-regulation skills, may be their most compatible partners.

Specialty Order

This is the person that orders a half-caf double-shot almond milk latte with a caramel swirl. They’ve put a lot of thought into what they want and may throw a fit when someone gets it wrong. They are obsessive, controlling, and detail-oriented and can, therefore, be very intimidating. Charming and persuasive cappuccino drinkers may be the only ones who can smooth talk them into loosening up.

coffee date


Prepare to be swept off your feet if your coffee date orders a cappuccino. These people are romantic and intriguing and may make you fall in love after the first date. They’re naturally introverted and independent people, but make for great company and can tell a captivating story. They'll captivate you with their flirty glances and matching banter as well as their cultured outlook on life. Cappuccino drinkers make loving and caring partners.


Don’t judge this person from the get-go. They may seem boring and insecure at first, but they’re making an effort. People who are more self-centered, like black coffee drinkers or specialty order drinkers, may be a good match for them. That’s because decaf drinkers are often unresolved and confused and need someone to take control. In a relationship, these people are adoring and devoted partners.


People who drink macchiatos are cerebral and refined. They’ll probably spend the coffee date talking about their penchant for art-house cinema or obscure Russian literature. There’s a good chance you met them on the dating site Elite Singles. At first, they may come off as unrelatable, but that will rub off over time. Eventually, their partner comes their niche obsession, making them loving and reliable partners, if a bit dramatic.


Those who drink mochas are very romantic. They’re seductive, affectionate, and aim to sweep you off your feet. And watch out because they will. These people are dating pros because they do it so often. They live for the thrill of the first date and the drama of falling in love. Unfortunately, they may get restless quickly and have a hard time committing. Intriguing and mysterious cappuccino drinkers may be the only ones that keep mocha drinkers interested for the long haul.

Chai Tea Latte

If your coffee date is drinking a chai tea latte, you might need to step up and take the lead. These people tend to be stressed and anxious, maybe because they’re shy about meeting someone for the first time. They need someone easy-going and approachable to ease them into conversation, like latte drinkers. On the same note, they should steer clear of intimidating specialty order, mocha, and Frappuccino drinkers who may come on too strong.

Take It One Sip At A Time

Noticing the qualities reflected in your date’s coffee is a fun way to put your finger on their personality type. If nothing else, these details give you a little something extra to consider on a first date.

But remember, no one is defined by the choices they make. Don’t get too hung up on the compatibility signs hidden in the coffee beans. You might be surprised at the person hiding beneath all that foam and whipped cream.

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Nina Livelo

Nina Livelo

Nina Livelo is a contributing writer for a blog on relationships.She has experience in the realm of online dating, including reviewing and comparing different online dating services and apps.