Online Dating Profile: 13 Tips for Creating the Best One

Alexa Weeks

Apr 06 2024 comments- 52

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Your online dating profile is the online version of your first impression. These days, online dating has become a popular way of finding a date or even someone for a serious and long-term relationship, so a good profile is important. On the one hand, you want to make a great impression, but you don’t want it to be misleading. Of course, you want it to be appealing, but you don’t want to attract everyone, just the compatible and relevant profiles.

It’s a bit tricky and isn’t as straightforward as just filling in the fields with the first thing that comes to mind. If you’re new to this, creating your first profile may be intimidating. Even for people who are more experienced, it is always a bit daunting to create a new online dating profile or update an existing one. Online dating tips are hard to come by; everyone wants to keep their secrets to themselves. These online dating profile tips for men and women will help you guide you through it!

The dos when creating your online dating profile

1. Talk to friends and family

Don’t be afraid to ask the people that are close to you for help. Talk to close friends and relatives and ask them to help you write your profile. You’ll be surprised at how well a good friend can describe you. They know you best, and will often feel more comfortable to write something flattering about you than you would.

2. Look at other profiles

Sometimes you need a little inspiration, especially if this is your first time doing this. Look at online dating profile examples to give you ideas of what yours should look like. This isn’t so you can copy someone’s profile, of course, but it will help you see what good profiles look like when they’re complete. Look for the best online dating profiles of people similar to you. So, if you’re a 30-year-old school teacher, try to find something similar for inspiration.

3. Choose the right photos

online dating profile

The dating profile pictures you choose are very important. They not only show potential matches what you look like but convey a lot more about who you are. The background, your clothes, jewelry, and what you’re doing in the pictures can tell a person a lot more than you think. Ideally, you want pictures that you look good in but also showcase your interests. For example, if you love fishing, add great pictures of you at a lake or on a boat. If you absolutely love to dance, add photos of you on the dance floor.

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4. Make it easy to contact you

After reading a profile, it can be a bit daunting to send that first message and start a conversation. Sometimes people will even skip to the next profile just because they don’t know how to start talking to you. A good way to avoid this is to add a question or conversation starter. Here are a few examples:

  • I absolutely love traveling to Paris. Tell me about your favorite place in the world!
  • I love a good hike to clear my head. What about you?
  • Tell me about fun adventures in your future!
  • Ask me about my crazy shark experience.

These examples not only tell readers a little bit more about you but also make it easier for them to send you a message and start a conversation.

5. Be flirty

Don’t worry, creating a flirty profile is nothing like flirting face to face, it’s much easier. A flirty profile gives a bit of information into your hobbies, interests, and who you are without being too revealing. You don’t want readers to think they know you already, but you do want to give them just enough information to give them a sense of your character and get them intrigued enough to want them to ask questions and start a conversation.

6. Read tips from the dating platform

Every platform is a bit different. Check if the one you chose has a blog and articles with tips on how to create a good profile. This will help you get tips that are specific to the audience using the platform and the profile structure you’ll be using. eHarmony, for example, has an article about what not to write on a dating profile, and Zoosk has one with great dating profile tips that work.

7. Use proper spelling & grammar

You can have an amazing profile, and one typo or grammar mistake can lead to a bad impression. If grammar and spelling are important to you, and if a profile riddled with errors is a turnoff, then take the time to review your profile once it’s complete to make sure it’s perfect. If you really want to make sure you haven’t missed anything, have a pair of fresh eyes review it, just in case.

online dating profile

The don’ts when creating your online dating profile

8. Don’t brag

Of course, you want your profile to mention everything that’s great about you, but there’s a fine line between describing yourself and bragging. If you can’t tell the difference, read it out loud or to a friend and listen to how it sounds. In general, things you never want to brag about are your looks or money. You can say what your body type is and what you do for a living without sounding too in love with yourself.

9. Don’t tell lies

Never tell a lie in an online dating profile. It’s misleading and dishonest and never ends well, especially if you’re looking for a serious relationship. Be honest and don’t embellish because it’s just not worth it and is not fair to your potential matches.

10. Don’t be shy

You’re putting yourself out there, and that’s not an easy thing to do. That being said, don’t be shy and afraid to say who you are and what you want. You don’t want to attract the wrong people, so if you’re looking for a life partner and not a fling, say it! Describe yourself, who you are, what you love, and be confident so that you find the right person that really is a match.

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11. Don’t focus on dislikes

Your profile should be positive in general. It’s important to describe what you like and love, so don’t focus on the dislikes. In the end, negativity is not attractive. More importantly, people bond over common likes and interests, not dislikes.

12. Don’t be all about you

Count how many times you wrote “I” or “me” in your profile and see if you need to tone it down. Your profile is all about you, but you need to find the line between describing yourself and being all about “me me me.” One way to help with this is to imagine you’re introducing yourself or describing yourself to a stranger at a party. You only have a few seconds to sound interesting, and if you say “I love this, I did that, I went there, I do this” for too long, they’ll be bored or irritated and move on. Create a story about who you are using a combination of the fields you have, your dating profile bio, your photos, and a catchy title.

13. Don’t be negative

Since we mentioned dislikes, let’s talk about negativity. Keep in mind that negative energy in a profile will attract negative attention, and should always be avoided. If there is something you want to mention, find another way to word it. For example, instead of saying “Don’t message me if you lack drive and confidence”, try “I am confident and full of drive, so if you’re like me, send me a message!” You give the same message while being positive and not negative.


These tips for creating your online dating profile will help you get off to a good start. Remember that good online dating profiles are honest, creative, and reflect who you are so that you attract the right matches and find that person you’re looking for.

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Questions & Answers


What happens when you meet someone and have been chatting for 2or 3 months and they ask for help to pay for data on there phone and start saying that the phone will not do video chat or pictures do you report them and if so to who do you report it to without hurting no one I case it is true about phone is there a discrete way of finding out with out haveing to spend a whole lot of money on a investigator she was here in the states but is now in Ghana because of grandmothers fureral… Read more »

Alexa Weeks

Hi Jon, it is good that you are questioning this story because it very much sounds like an online dating scam. You should report it on your dating site (usually there is a “report” button in the messages or on the person’s profile).

Tamara J Fredrickson

NEVER give anyone money!! The minute they start asking for money you should block them.


What about being a single parent.How do you go about creating a profile?Do I include my kids or keep them out of the profile?


Hi Dawne. Most dating sites include a question about whether you have kids and want any more. You should certainly include that you have children. However, when writing your bio in your profile, I wouldn’t recommend making the entire profile about your children. There is no need to spell out there favorite colors, best subjects in school, what foods they dislike, etc. Your date wants to get to know YOU. If there is a question about your hobbies, you may write a few things you like to do on your own but also include one thing you like with your… Read more »

ed caroe

Nothing is more precious than your kids, on earth or in heaven. Include ALL with love and pride.

Juliet E Gomez

When all these men bragging on their intelligence and how financial secure they are and you’re doing 9-5, what the best way to reply when message you?

Alexa Weeks

I think it depends on what you think their intention is as well as what you’re looking for. If they just want to brag and seem narcissistic, that may not be the type of quality you’re looking for in someone. Is this a first message or have you been talking to this guy for a while?

ed caroe

convey that you live to learn every day. That’s BIG


I am interested in creating an honest and accurate profile for a dating site. Thank you in advance for the enlughtment!


I’m interested in creating an honest to goodness & accurate profile too. To be honest, I have a feeling that this man Larry has a good heart. I wish, he still single & looking for serious relationship. I like him. If possible, I want to know more about him. How can I get in touch with Larry? Please help me. Thank you.


It makes me feel right about myself when I think about becoming acquainted with someone of the opposite sex.

ed caroe

Right thought, but redo to put a happy smile on the lady’s face. Write about HER, not you.


One of the things about some dating sites is they are either international, focused on a specific area only or as I discovered are for those who are interested in finding a sex partner. Another thing to be aware of is they send “matches “ to you which are people who have similar interests as you, not interested in you personally but that doesn’t mean that can’t happen.


I was just wondering about spouses whose husband or wife has passed away. My wife passed away 15 months ago and looking for a friend and go out for lunch or dinner as well get to know one another. And just go from there. Thank you

Top5 Team

You can surely post this on your dating site profile and can hopefully find a match looking for the same kind of friend!


I’m looking to write an amazing summary for Woman. I tend to know Woman pretty well by now, but am open to all expert advise from Women and what they love hearing most. I enjoy romance and enjoy a little flirting. Thoughts or recommendations would be gratefully appreciated to increase the chances in leading to dates. Thanks in advance!

Top5 Team

Best advice: don’t be afraid to be yourself and be vulnerable! That’s what will bring you closer together.

Susan Taggart

What is the best site for a woman who is 56 looking for a relationship.

Top5 Team

SilverSingles is our top pick for 50+ dating

Lazon Smith

I am a single widow iver 50. I would love any insight you could give I’m ready to enjoy someone for the last leg of the journey. .I’m interested in men 50+.
What cities have the largest concentration of available men that are financially stable?

Top5 Team

Sorry for your loss Lazon – while you can find a financially stable man anywhere in the world, San Francisco, and New York are great cities to meet people with large tech sectors.


I’m 50 and have never dated a woman. I’m interested in dating women. How should I go about it?

Top5 Team

We would recommended checking out our top-rated lesbian dating sites here to get started

Donna Dynes

On how can I make sure a potential date lives near, not another state

Top5 Team

You can update the location settings on your profile

Donnie Newsome

Hi, I’m looking for a nice lady to date, I lost my wife and im so lonely, I would like to talk and then maybe meet somewhere



Donnie Newsome

Are there any single ladies 50 years old out there that wants to date


I have never listed my true age on any site. I have been 58 – 70 and have met some great guys. Not one has been bothered if I end up telling them I am older. Nor had they suspected.
I enjoy younger men. How can I get their attention with a big number?

Top5 Team

While it might be harder as you expressed, it’s always best to be honest and upfront about who are you from the get-go to get the most meaningful and real connections.

Scott juenger

Im a single divorce father that has 4 kids. Is there a dating site for me

Top5 Team

Yes! Stir is a great dating site dedicated to single parents. You can read our review of the site here

Richard Wagner

This all sounds so exiting to me…


I like it


How do we get to know each other.

Top5 Team

You do so by speaking either through text message or over the phone! Once you see enough of a spark, you may want to schedule a date to meet in-person and really get to know each other further.


How can you tell if there are a lot of creepy dude’s that might be perverts. How do you avoid the men that are online dating about 20 women. What makes someone really take an interest to your profile?

Top5 Team

Many dating sites, especially the ones that we recommend, offer safety and security features, such as verification steps to make sure the person is really who they are presenting themselves to be. And our best tip to stand out in your profile is to be your honest, open self.


How do you attract a quality man with the verbiage on your profile? How do you know you’re not meeting a man that is dating like 30 women on a site? Is online dating really quality?

Top5 Team

You can definitely attractive quality people, and the best way to do this is to make sure you’re using a reliable dating site with good reviews and success stories.


How do you really meet a quality man online?

Top5 Team

By using a reliable dating site with great reviews.

Lillie Bitting

I was pursed by someone on Facebook that I thought we were connected, later to find that his identity had ben stolen and placed on an online dating sight. Do I wait a few months to let this get out my system because it was really going well?

Top5 Team

If someone lies to you online you should share this information so that you prevent him from doing the same to others. And if they lied to you, unfortunately it does not seem like there is much of a future there regardless.


Need catchy introduction to app

Top5 Team

That really depends on who you are and what you’re looking for it – our best tip would be to be yourself and aim to be unique to stand out from the crowd.

lisandra tejeda

I m looking for a good relationship to be honest no lie and no secrets I want to good man to love me and my kids be a family I want to get married and have a family together and be blessed I want a good man that bring a smile to my face and be happy 😊

Top5 Team

Good luck Lisandra we hope you find everything you’re looking for and more.

lisandra tejeda

Just looked for happiness

Top5 Team

And we really hope you find that!

Maher Salem

It is my first time to think about join a dating site . I really have no experience in talking about myself specially to the public .am seriuose of finding a life partner that is faithful ,one man partner and kind loving person with light personality .I do look to wealth of the person but I look for independent ,open person and must have open personality and speak up about anything and never hide her feeling and be selling to share in making decisions. Religion for me is not that important am human being first .

Top5 Dating Sites
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